Bare International is one of the leading mystery shopping companies in the world. Founded in 1987, Bare International has been helping businesses track and improve their customer experience for over thirty-five years.
BARE mystery shoppers provide critical insights that help businesses improve customer service, compliance, and operations. To become a mystery shopper or evaluator at Bare International, you have to open an account with them.
A BARE mystery shopping account gives you access to the job board, and all of your accounts features, including the ability to view your past shopper reports, update your contact information, and more.
Let’s learn the details of Bare International Mystery Shopper login.
Benefits for The Clients
Whether you want to perform a restaurant inspection or conduct an audit of a retail store, Bare International has it all. bare International is the leader when it comes to evaluating the customer experience.
- Whether you are looking to measure the effectiveness of your latest marketing campaign or to uncover areas where your business can improve its customer service, Bare International can provide you with the tools and expertise you need.
- Their team of mystery shoppers is highly trained, and they can help you evaluate everything from the cleanliness and quality of a restaurant to the friendliness and responsiveness of your employees.
So if you’re ready to start getting honest insights about your business, look no further than Bare International.
How to Reactivate your Bare Mystery Shopping Account?
Mystery Shoppers at Bare international
With over 500,000 shoppers worldwide and an elite network of evaluators across all industries, Bare International utilizes trained shoppers to evaluate and assess a wide range of businesses and services.
Their dedicated team of experienced professionals will provide you with all of the information and resources that you need to succeed like a mystery shopper.
How do you become a Mystery Shopper at BARE International?
Becoming a mystery shopper at BARE International is a fairly simple process. The sign-up process is easy and requires no previous experience.
Step -1
Visit Bare international website. They operate in over 150 countries divided into 7 different regions. So based on your country you will be redirected to the regional site. For example, If you want to open Bare International in China it will automatically redirect you to
Step -2
Click on the Evaluators section on the top menu. It will take you to the evaluator’s page where you will find all details regarding becoming a mystery shopper. It has 3 main parts
- Become An Evaluator– You can create a new account by clicking this. A step-by-step process to onboard a new mystery shopper.
- Evaluator Sign In– If you have an evaluator’s account, you can log into your account and access the job board and other details here.
- Evaluator FAQ– All questions regarding an evaluator’s job, account, payment, fees, reporting, etc are included here.
Choose Become an Evaluator and proceed to the next screen.

Here you need to choose your language first.
You can choose out of 10 different languages like English, Chinese, Español, Português, Français, Deutsch, Nederlands, Japanese, Russian, and Italian.

Then you have to enter a valid email ID and this will be used to log in and share all the information like jobs and other account-related information.

The next step is to choose your country of operation( if you are based in Brazil choose Brazil from the drop-down list of countries.

Once that is done now you have to fill up all the personal and contact-related information, if you are a US citizen you have to give your Tax Ids.
Once you have filled up all the relevant details, you can agree to their Privacy policy, MSP Privacy policy, and Independent Contractors Agreement, Now you can submit your form. Upon successful submission, it will take you to the job board.
BARE International Mystery Shopper Login
BARE International is a leading provider of mystery shopping services. As a BARE shopper, you will have the opportunity to evaluate a wide variety of businesses and organizations.

To log in to your BARE account, simply visit the BARE website and enter your username and password. Once you are logged in, you will be able to view available mystery shopping assignments in your area.
To complete an assignment, simply follow the instructions provided and submit your report. BARE offers a variety of unique and interesting assignments, so log in today to get started!
Within the Bare account, you can do a lot of things like,
- Job Board-Check all jobs that are available right now for you,
- Apply to different assignments,
- Your shop log (shops or assignments that you have completed),
- My apps- Assignments or Shops that have been approved or scheduled for you
- Profile- Your Shopper Profile
- Help Section- For any help that you require regarding your account
- You can also check the status of your account, Past, and Upcoming payments, Any certifications, tests, and qualifications completed, Citations, and many more.
Log In to Your Bare Mystery Shopping Account here.
Bare is operative in 150 countries and 500,000 plus Evaluators from these countries are working on different assignments. To check for new jobs in your area and apply for them an evaluator needs to log in to their account.
Here are the Bare International Mystery Shopper Login Links for Different Countries,
Brazil- Mystery Shopper Login
Chile & Matin America- Mystery Shopper Login Link
China- Mystery Shopper Login Link
Europe- Mystery Shopper Login Link
India, Middle East, and African Countries- Mystery Shopper Login
Mexico- Mystery Shopper Login Link
North America- Mystery Shopper Login
Philippines- Mystery Shopper Login
Singapore and ASEAN Countries- Mystery Shopper Login
Overall, becoming a mystery shopper at BARE International is an exciting way to earn some extra cash while getting paid to shop and eat at some of your favorite restaurants and stores!
With Bare International, getting started is easier than ever before – so why wait? Sign up today and start making money by bringing valuable insight to businesses all over the globe!